Sunday, September 8, 2013

Mercy 1, 2014

You are on an adventure.

If you don’t already know it, take a minute to consider that your adventure began the moment of your first breath. Like you, I can’t remember the start. Then, as I grew older, I considered that there would one day be a last breath. When I did, I took to heart the way that I’d been living and asked if my lifestyle matched what my heart felt. I weighed my actions against my ideals.

This started a new adventure. I mulled over questions, Am I limited and mechanistic, a consumer? Or am I unbounded and creative, a creator? Good contemplative questions can’t be answered in a flash. You cannot turn away and pretend you didn't see them.
Ramadan is the time when we should stop to ask what the question wants from us. Follow the question like a cookie crumb trail, my life is less entangled with money. 
We will learn that all aspects of our lives can be revolutionary, each act sacred.